Friday, February 6, 2009

Baby Shower Quilt

We did it! While my mom was here we were able to finish the quilt we started at my baby shower back in December. I think it turned out great! I love that Kaili will be able to know that all of her "aunties" had a part in stitching on those cute shapes! Thanks for your help! And thanks Susan for helping me with my vision :).


Claytie and Suzie said...

It's adorable! You are so creative, Rachie! I still remember you telling me your idea.. so cute :)

Unknown said...

The quilt is amazing! Congrats on finishing such a wonderful project. She'll treasure that forever.

Natalie said...

Cute! Now you're going to have to do one for each of your future babies. I hope things are going well for you guys and the adjustment isn't too hard!

Becky said...

How fun! I loved my "blankie" growing up :)

Marielle said...

Congrats you two on such a cute, healthy little girl. We are so excited for you. There is nothing better than parenthood (especially parenting a little girl first! :) So fun to have a little cousin for Madi and fun friend for Janelle! I can already see the three of them bumper tubing and sking together. Yeah! Lots of love.
John, Marielle and Janelle

Elise said...

What a beautiful quilt! I'm so impressed that you're cranking out projects with a newborn Rachel!
And man, look at that tongue! Kaili is going to win some serious starburst unwrapping contests with that thing...great pictures, she's so cute!